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Essential Property Maintenance Jobs When Selling Your Home

We say it time and time again but when it comes to selling your property, first impressions matter. Potential buyers are more likely to be attracted to a well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing home. As a homeowner looking to sell, investing some time and effort into handyman jobs and critical property preparations can significantly increase your property’s appeal and value.


In this blog post, we’ll explore the essential handyman tasks to undertake and key aspects to pay attention to when preparing your property for sale.




Repair and Maintenance



Before listing your property, inspect it thoroughly to identify any repair or maintenance needs. Addressing these issues early on will prevent potential buyers from being turned off by visible flaws. Focus on the following areas:



  • Wall and Ceiling Repairs: Patch up holes, cracks, and peeling paint. Repaint walls with neutral colours to create a fresh and inviting ambiance.
  • Flooring: Repair or replace damaged flooring, and consider a professional cleaning for carpets.
  • Doors and Windows: Ensure doors and windows open and close smoothly, and replace any broken or damaged fixtures.
  • Plumbing: Address any plumbing and drainage issues.*
  • Electrical works: A licensed electrician should be engaged.*


* For complex plumbing requirements consult with a licensed plumber. Likewise, a licensed electrician should be engaged for electrical work.



Enhance Curb Appeal



The exterior of your property is the first thing potential buyers see, so creating a strong curb appeal is crucial. Here are some tips:



  • Landscaping: Tidy up and plant colourful flowers, and add fresh mulch to enhance the garden’s appearance.
  • Front Door and Entryway: Repaint the front door, and consider adding potted plants or a welcome mat for a warm entryway.
  • Exterior Cleaning: Power wash the siding, driveway, and walkways to give the property a clean and well-maintained look.





Declutter and Depersonalise



A cluttered and overly personalised space can make it difficult for buyers to envision themselves living in your home. To create a blank canvas that allows potential buyers to see the property’s potential:



  • Declutter: Remove excess furniture, personal items, and unnecessary decorations. Consider renting a storage unit if needed.
  • Depersonalise: Take down family photos and highly specific decor, so buyers can better imagine their own style in the space.








Staging your property can make a significant difference in how potential buyers perceive its value and functionality. Here are some staging tips:



  • Furniture Arrangement: Rearrange furniture to create an open and spacious feel. Use mirrors to enhance natural light and make rooms appear larger.
  • Neutral Decor: Opt for neutral and modern decor that appeals to a broader range of buyers.





Fixtures and Hardware



Replacing outdated fixtures and hardware can instantly modernise your property. Focus on the following areas:


  • Kitchen: Update cabinet handles, sink and tap, and lighting fixtures to breathe new life into the space.
  • Bathroom: Replace worn-out sink and tap, shower heads, and towel racks for a fresh look.
  • Grouting: Check the kitchen, bathroom and on any flooring. For discolouration issues, use a mixture of baking soda annd vinegar to help clean and remove grime.


Don’t forget to contact Hire A Hubby if you require any help.







Proper lighting can make a significant difference in the atmosphere of your property:


  • Natural Light: Open curtains and blinds to allow ample natural light into the rooms.
  • Indoor Lighting: Ensure all light fixtures are working and replace dim bulbs. Consider installing LED bulbs for energy efficiency.


* For complex electrical requirements consult with a professional electrician or plumber. 





Home Inspection



Conducting a pre-listing home inspection can help you identify any potential issues that might arise during the buyer’s inspection. Addressing these concerns beforehand can save time and prevent negotiations from falling through due to unexpected problems.








By taking the time to address handyman jobs, enhance curb appeal, declutter, and depersonalise, you can significantly increase the appeal and value of your property when preparing it for sale. Remember that first impressions are critical, so investing in these preparations will likely pay off in the form of a faster sale at a better price.


While some things you can do yourself, if you need help around your home this winter, click here to Book a Quote, or call 1800 803 339. Happy selling!


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